GameJam: This time the GameJam was to make a game following the theme of "Don't Stop Moving". Since this the first time my partner has create and entered a GameJam it was pretty cool to teach what I have learned to someone else. We had 72 hours to complete our game with restrictions on the one using only one 8-color pallet from LoSpec and use keyboard or mouse to play the game (we used keyboard only).
Description: Use your keyboard to select a song to groove to while playing our game. Depending on the song you choose the difficulty level will differ. However you won't know until you select your song \(^-^)/ hhh. Once you select your song with either (,) (.) (/) (;) (') ([) (]) (\) you will start to destroy the letters that appear on the screen before they disappear and you lose the point :( Each letter is worth a different score. Try to get the highest score before the time runs out! Don't stop moving them fingers! Hopefully you can dig it!
Game Programmer: ChickenNeko(https://chickenneko.itch.io/) & Pocky01
Game Artist: Pocky01 & ChickenNeko(https://chickenneko.itch.io/)
Color: https://lospec.com/palette-list/funkyfuture-8

Play other Games from this Jam here now! https://itch.io/jam/game-gen-mega-jam-2020-05/entries
Music: All music is from Youtube and all credit goes to the Artist and Youtuber of the video. All is listed below:
Death Parade OP/ Opening "Flyers" - BRADIO
Song: Flyers
Artist: BRADIO
Licensed to YouTube by NexTone Inc. Digital MKTG Div(https://www.nex-tone.co.jp/DM_FAQ) (on behalf of 日本テレビ音楽株式会社); Muserk Rights Management, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, LatinAutor - UMPG, ASCAP, LatinAutor, CMRRA, and 7 Music Rights Societies
Code Geass Op 1 full Colors
Artist: FLOW
Writers: Kohshi Asakawa, Takeshi Asakawa, Keigo Hayashi
Licensed to YouTube by Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc. (on behalf of (P)2006 Ki/oon Music Inc.); Sony ATV Publishing, LatinAutor - SonyATV, CMRRA, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutor, SOLAR Music Rights Management, and 12 Music Rights Societies
MADKID / RISE ('The Rising of the Shield Hero' Opening Theme)
Song: RISE
Artist: Madkid
Licensed to YouTube by Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. (on behalf of Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. / NIPPONOPHONE); UMPI, and 4 Music Rights Societies
Flight Of The Bumblebee - Rimsky-Korsakov
Song: The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Op. 57: Flight of the Bumble Bee
Artist: Scottish National Orchestra
Album: Russian Masterpieces
Lupin the 3rd - 1978 opening
Song: Lupin III Original Soundtrack 2
Composer: Yuji Ohno
Midnight Crow--Kaikan Phrase
Song: Midnight Crow
Artist: Λucifer
Ablum: Limit Control
Cowboy Bebop OST 1 - Tank!
Song: Tank!
Artist: The Seatbelts
Writer: Yoko Kanno
Licensed to Studio Sunrise Inc.
Detective Conan Opening 33 Miss Mystery
Song: Miss Mystery
Artist: Breakerz
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